
Travel App for Kids


To create a travel app


Illustration, Branding, UI design, Prototyping


For this University Project, we were tasked with creating a travel app. Quickly I dove into research into existing app examples on platforms such as the App Store, Dribbble and Pinterest. I looked at areas such as their illustration style, the UI design and how they present content to the user. After this series of research I decided to create an interactive educational quiz app for children so they could learn about the country they were visiting – also doubling as a distraction for the journey.  

Once I had an idea of what I wanted to create I started to sketch a series of wireframes to get an understanding of what each section of the app would look like.


After basic sketching I developed these further to add colour and annotations so that a deeper understanding of how the user would move from the home and menu screens through to the quiz and rewards screens. This process allowed me to ensure the user was kept central along with being able to iron out any wrinkles within my design before working digitally.

dIGITALISation :

Once I was happy with my paper sketches, I moved into Sketch to develop my ideas digitally. When doing this it allowed for further experimentation with colour and illustrations, such as creating a bright and cheerful colour scheme suitable for everyone and developing my globe mascot ‘Paddy’, and from this came the name of the app – Paddy’s Passport. Each screen went through a series of experimentation and small refinements to ensure they were structured best for the target audience.


The final product included creating a brand and mascot along with creating a working prototype on Invision to perform user testing - ensuring the user can easily navigate through the seven main interfaces. The final app interfaces and Invision prototype for this project are linked below!

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